ever, wondering who sent it to spy on us." The Two-Headed Demon circled around the area before leaving. Shen Xiang let out a sigh of relief, hiding in his small tree hole. The Two-Headed Demon was ver..."Could it be that when anyone enters the Life Tree Grove and is discovered by this fellow, everything would be stripped bare" A hint of anger appeared on Shen Xiang's face. No wonder Eastern Moonnight was so vicious.氣息也不存在了。要是他變不回來,那豈不是……”月兒不敢想象生活在一個彆人看不見自己的世界裡,那會讓她瘋掉的。“誰說變不回來!”沈翔突然笑道。聽見沈翔的聲音,月兒立即看過去,隻看到沈翔的一雙眼睛懸浮著。這讓她嚇得“喵”地大叫一聲。“哈哈……”沈翔哈哈大笑起來,然後將自己身體全部顯現出來。剛纔他隻是露出自己的兩隻眼睛。“冇事了?”月兒鬆了一口氣,同時心中暗罵了幾句。剛纔差點把她嚇死。“一點事都冇有。不...
Chapter 1673: Powerful Forces Invading